Welcome to Sapienta Cyprus Teaser, a sub-series of Sapienta Cyprus Snippets. Below is the shortened executive summary from my latest monthly Sapienta Country Analysis Cyprus: unrivalled independent analysis on all things Cyprus. Learn more about other features of these Sapienta Cyprus Snippets here. Learn more about the flagship Sapienta Country Analysis Cyprus product here.
POLITICAL ANALYSIS AND OUTLOOK. This month we explain why we believe the EU will eventually be drawn into high-level engagement on regional issues that touch on the Cyprus problem. Each month we analyze the prospects for political stability and any risks to security relating to the Cyprus problem.
ENERGY AND STRUCTURAL REFORMS. We explain why we think the new energy minister has introduced a re-think of natural gas policy. We also keep you up to date with the rapidly changing developments in energy and more slow-moving structural reforms.
FISCAL PERFORMANCE AND FORECAST. What is parliament doing on VAT and tax reform? Ahead of the issuance of a sustainable bond, what is our three-year forecast for the general government balance and debt/GDP ratio? Our unrivalled analysis of the data and the policies.
BANKING SECTOR. This month, following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse we analyze the assets and liabilities of the banks and highlight potential vulnerabilities. And each month we take a deep dive into bank data. You will not find this anywhere else.
MACROECONOMIC TRENDS AND FORECAST. Find out why we cut our real GDP growth forecast and keep up to date with the very latest macroeconomic indicators. We are confident that no other organization can match the breadth and depth of our macroeconomic analysis.
ECONOMY OF NORTHERN CYPRUS*. Who is covering the economy of northern Cyprus? We are! This month, inter alia, we analyze a fairly new phenomenon: the issuance of hard-currency Treasury bills.
*Areas not under the effective control of the government of the Republic of Cyprus